Softaculous - More than 450 web applications at your fingertips
The leading solution for easy automatic installation of web applications and scripts through web hosting systems
App installation in just a few clicks
Minimal maintenance requirements
Demo preview of applications before installation
Advantages of Softaculous
Softaculous is the number-one solution for automatic installation of web applications and scripts, with hundreds of CMS, forums and many other web applications for you to choose from.
App installation in just a few clicks
App overview demo
Integration with control panels
Simple automation
Minimal maintenance requirements
Detailed access control
Choose a security solution for cPanel
Comparison of simple app installation options
Options Softaculous cPanel
Number of apps available for installation > 450 < 20
User reviews and ratings of apps
Complete app overview demo
PHP scripts
Java scripts
Perl scripts
Importing apps from other auto installers and servers
Importing manually installed apps
Creating and installing your own apps
Automated hooks
One-click upgrade
Storage and recovery of app backup copies
App removal
Creating user packages
Branding option
API app management system
Over 450 apps in one place
Softaculous displays the best apps sorted by category, which provides the users with a simplified overview and all the elements they need in a single place.
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Get in touch with us. Our team of professionals is available 24/7.
We’ll be happy to answer any question you might have and get to work.