You can use all the letters of the alphabet, numbers and hyphens.
Even though it’s possible for domain names to contain special characters, such as letters used in languages other than English (e.g. š, đ, ž, ć, č), this should be avoided.
Every domain consists of a name and an extension.
In the example “”,
- “mydomain” is the domain name, and
- “.com” is the extension.
The domain name precedes the extension and it’s the part of the domain that makes a website unique, and, by analogy, a company, an individual, a project, etc.
A simple example would be “mydataknox” as our domain name.
Domain extensions are related to countries, business operations, activities, etc.
Am example of a country-related extension would be “.hr”, which signifies that the domain is related to Croatia. Some examples of business extensions are “.biz”, “.org” and “.com”.
Apart from the previously mentioned extensions, there are many others that cover a wide variety of areas, from professions and services to hobbies. Some examples of such topical extensions are, among others, “.apartments”, “.fitness”, “.pizza”, and “.news”.
A domain name is arbitrary and you can use any name you prefer, as long as a domain with that name hasn’t already been registered. You can check the availability of your preferred domain here.
If you’re ordering or already have a hosting account with MyDataKnox and you already have a registered free .hr domain that you want to use, follow the steps described below:
- Visit the Carnet website for domain administration at
- Enter the name of the .hr domain that you wish to redirect to MyDataKnox.
- Choose your role related to the domain (owner, technician or administrator) and click “Send”. Afterwards, you’ll receive an e-mail providing you with authorized access to the domain administration website.
- Click on the link indicated in the e-mail and under “DNS scripts” enter the following MyDataKnox nameservers:
NS2.MYDATAKNOX.COM - Save the data after making the modification.
Most domain extensions contain up to 60 characters, but keep in mind that a domain name should not be that long.
The point is for the domain to describe you or your activity in as few characters as possible.
Redirecting an existing domain to MyDataKnox servers is performed by changing nameserver scripts.
The changes are executed in the system of the registry where the domain is registered.
If you decide to redirect your domain registered elsewhere to your MyDataKnox hosting account, you need to change the nameservers of the domain to:
Before your domain expires, if it’s active, you’ll receive an automatic offer to renew it 30 days before it expires. You’ll also receive several reminders for domain renewal payment.
All domain-related options, including management, are at our disposal at the MyDataKnox user portal. You can access the user portal by signing up or logging in.
You can check whether a domain name is available through our websites using this link.
There are a few universal rules regarding the selection of a domain name:
- Choose a clear, unique and easily memorable domain name
- The name should link you or your company with the domain itself in as few characters as possible
- The domain name should not contain hyphens, numbers or special characters, unless it is strictly necessary
- The name should be easy to pronounce
- Make sure that the domain name is not registered or trademarked (e.g. eBay, etc.)
In the world of business, having a domain has become just as common as having a telephone number. If there is no domain name displayed on your company’s advertising and business cards, the clients that prefer to browse products and services online, which is widely spread nowadays, might skip your content if they are unable to easily find that information. Nowadays, a registered domain and a high-quality website is a business priority, since it’s a very cheap way to present a company name and information to the general public in a way that is simple and quick.
Individuals also want to have their own domain for private or family websites and various activities, but often just to be able to create a private e-mail address on their own domain. If you’re an author, artist, activist, volunteer, or if you perform another kind of activity under your name, registering a domain that carries your full name will create a unique address that you can use for promotion.
A good domain name and a related e-mail address inspire confidence in users, so it’s quite obvious that an imaginary company “My Company Ltd.” would use a domain such as for their websites and an e-mail such as for communicating with their clients.
Your only obligation, after the domain has been registered and redirected to nameservers, is to renew it when it expires.
In simple terms, we could describe a nameserver as a domain address book. Just like you would use an address book to look up information related to a particular person or company by name, the same goes for domains, since they also have an “address”. When you type our address in your Internet browser, your computer uses DNS to retrieve the data about the nameserver containing the IP addresses linked to our domain. Afterwards, your computer requests the IP address of our web server, which, finally, sends the web page to your browser.