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I’m confused by the terminology. Can you clarify the differences between VPS, dedicated servers and web hosting?

In order to help you find your way around the names of the services and the differences between them, we’ve prepared a comprehensive description below.
Web hosting, sometimes known as shared hosting, is the most common form of hosting on the market and meets the requirements of most users regarding website hosting.
By leasing a web hosting account, you’ll get access to your own separate account on a server which hosts many other users as well, and all of you share its complete resources. Hosting websites using shared web hosting has a few crucial advantages in comparison to VPS or a dedicated server:

  • when you get an account, everything is ready for use
  • you can easily install web applications using the cPanel interface
  • you can easily open e-mail addresses
  • the server is prepared solely for a web hosting service and is especially optimised for premium performance
  • general simple management
  • affordably priced web hosting packages.

Web hosting also has a few drawbacks, such as:

  • no advanced system configuration (e.g. MySQL)
  • resource limitation (every account has a specific amount of resources – CPU/RAM)
  • more advanced users, such as web shops with a large number of visitors, soon outgrow the options provided by a shared environment.

Dedicated hosting, or a dedicated server, is the complete opposite of a web hosting service.

Instead of using server resources together with other users, in a dedicated server, you have total access to the system and you can configure and use the server any way you want. Sounds great, and it is, however, it costs considerably more than an annual subscription to a hosting account. This type of hosting is intended for specific users, those that require dedicated resources, such as:

  • users with complex web applications with a large number of visitors
  • companies that use the servers for business applications and databases
  • users that require specific settings or virtualization.


VPS servers are a type of service which falls somewhere between web hosting and dedicated servers. It’s a service which enables you to use dedicated resources (CPU, RAM, storage) and it’s intended for users that outgrow a web hosting environment, but still don’t require the power of an entire dedicated server. VPS offers you many of the same advantages as a dedicated server at only a fraction of the price of one. Therefore, VPS gives you full administrator access and you can configure the server any way you like, just like with a dedicated server.

In order to present the similarities and differences of the aforementioned MyDataKnox services in the form of a clear overview, we’ve prepared a small table of their basic features.

Web hostingVPS server Dedicated server
IP addressShared with all accounts on a shared hosting serverPublic IP address solely for your VPSPublic IP address solely for your dedicated server
Your own choice of OSNo (all hosting packages are Linux-based)YesYes
Service controlLimitedFull controlFull control
Dedicated resourcesOnly with Advanced web hosting packagesYesYes
Installing your own applicationsNoYesYes
Server resourcesLimited to user accountsFull leased resourcesFull server resources

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